the stern but sweet grandmother
➘ Owlkit - Owlpaw - Owlfeather
➘ [Owl] Fur pattern, wisdom [feather] lean, gentle
➘ 93 Moons
➘ Female
➘ Heterosexual
➘ Elder
➘ Shadowclan (Pureblood)
➘ Tortoiseshell
Old tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes. Tends to look more fierce than she really is. She has a large scar across her face from a battle with rogues.
Owlfeather is a gentle and patient she-cat. She is reliable and trustworthy, and cats tend to come to her with their problems. She's always willing to lend a paw to help out with whatever needs doing. Committed to serving her clan. While her default demeanor is gentle and understanding, she is not afraid to get her claws dirty if need be. She is not against war, if it means her clan will prosper because of it. She'll fight if she has to. Very traditional; strong faith in StarClan. She was a warrior until she was 85 moons old, not wanting to stop working and serving her clan.
While she is gentle and kind, when it comes to rival clans, she is fierce. She's not afraid to sass and be mouthy, and will lash out when it is needed. She's a strong fighter and has a powerful leader-like personality. She likes to be in charge, and isn't afraid to step up.
She was mother to Icestar and Citrusflower. Icestar was her first born from a litter of one, fathered by a warrior called Wolverineclaw. Wolverine was a charmer at first, captivating a young Owlfeather and reeling her in. Once he found out she was expecting his kits, he changed. He became controlling and abusive, believing that she was "trapped" with him now that she had a kit. He began teaching Icekit battle moves from the moment she could walk, and would lash out at Owlfeather in front of her, embedding in Icekit a sense of disrespect for her mother, believing she was weak and stupid like Wolverine always said. Wolverineclaw was exiled for murder when Icepaw was an apprentice. He tried to convince Owlfeather and their kit to come with him, but Owlfeather denied him, standing her ground against him at last.
After Iceheart was a warrior, Owlfeather met a tom called Sprucejump. He was kind and caring and strong, and cared deeply for her, which was not something she was used to. Together they had another one-kit litter, Citruskit, who ended up being raised far more properly than Iceheart had been. Owlfeather was in the nursery with Citruskit when Icestar was also there with Hailkit, Dawnkit, and Tinykit.
"I know the world's
a broken bone
but melt your headaches
call it home"
Fighting: 8/10
Defense: 7/10
Strength: 4/10
Speed: 8/10
Agility: 6/10
Intelligence: 9/10
Endurance: 5/10
"I assure you that ShadowClan will still fight you tooth and claw to defend every scrap of our home and our honor. This has not weakened us. We are fit, strong, and plenty in numbers, and you have shoved your oversized nose into our business. You'll not be forgiven easily for making such a stupid decision."
~To Lionstorm, "Don't Tread on RiverClan" battle thread, September 2019
"You spat on our future when you created such a hostile environment for yourself! You're a fool for thinking I would ever raise kits the way you wanted to! If you'd stuck around, you'd be proud of who they are today."
~To her ex-mate Wolverine when he and a group of rogues attacked ShadowClan.
(+) Wise, Gentle, Patient, Collected, Loves Kits
(=) Calculated, Contemplative, Quiet
(-) Stubborn, Bossy, Set-In-Her-Ways
Scent: Peaty soil, pine sap, crushed grass
Scars: Claw mark across her face, various battle scars across her shoulders and back. She's old--she's seen a few battles.
Secrets: No matter how noble she acts, Owlfeather greatly fears death. She trusts StarClan, but does not want to die knowing that her clan mates still need her. She dreads the thought of retirement, and feels like she always needs to be up and doing things to help out, or else she feels purposeless.
Alive | Deceased
(Former) Mate: Wolverine (Icestar's father), Sprucejump (Citrusflower's father)
Daughters: Icestar, Citrusflower
Grand-kits: Dawnstripe, Hailstorm, Mirepaw, Ebonyfang, Duskpaw, Falcondive
Former Apprentices: Tigerpaw
Citrusflower - Daughter. Cares about her and wants to keep her safe due to her condition.
Mirepaw & Ebonyfang - Grandkits. Loves them and wants to see them succeed.
Hailstorm - Has a mutual understanding with her over the behavior of Icestar. Basically raised Hailstorm due to Icestar's neglect.
Sprucejump: Her last mate. He was kind and caring and a good father to Citrusflower, unline Wolverineclaw had been to Icestar. Died in battle.
Dawnstripe - She holds nothing against her oldest grandkit, even though she knows Dawnstripe wants nothing to do with her.
Iceheart/star - Daughter. Doesn't know where she went wrong. Blames her former mate for the way that the temperamental cat is now. She's proud of her, as much as she can be. Icestar treats her like dirt.
Lionstar - She despises the hot-headed RiverClan leader. Thinks his power has gone to his head, and that he makes stupid decisions.
Wolverine - Former mate. Hates that he abandoned her and their kits.
Wolverine - Former mate and father of her first litter. He was exiled from ShadowClan for murder, and came back with a band of rogues to try and take over the clan. He abused her when they were mates, and manipulated Icestar when she was a kit, and caused her to be as ruthless as she is today.