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the lovable nuisance

➘ Coyotekit - Coyotepaw - Coyotehowl
➘  [Coyote] her fur pattern resembles a coyote
➘ 12 moons
➘ Female (will later discover they are nonbinary/transmasc)
➘  Apprentice
➘ WindClan

​➘ Abyssinian mix


Tall, lanky she-kit. Pale reddish-brown fur with darker flecks along her back and tail, resembling a coyote. She has large ears, an angular face, and green eyes.

Coyotepaw is a rambunctious, rowdy cat who always wants to play. She sometimes forgets to keep her claws sheathed, and gets scolded for it occasionally.

She was apprenticed late, and will become a warrior late, due to complications from her autism. She finds it difficult to make friends, and difficult to communicate her feelings to others, despite how social she is. She ends up doing loud and obnoxious things to gain attention, only to be disheartened when the reaction is not what she wanted it to be.

Her mother disappeared shortly after she was apprenticed, and her first mentor disappeared after the battle with ShadowClan that ended in ShadowClan being driven out.


(+) Playful, energetic, easy to entertain

(=) Loud, curious, eager

(-) Defiant, stubborn, easily distracted, impulsive

Scent: a dusty breeze

Scars: None

Song(s): Undetermined

Voice Claim: Mokuba Kaiba, probably 


Alive | Deceased

Parents: Lynxstep


Siblings: Silverpaw


Mentor: Weaselskip


Lynxstep - She loves her mom, even if she stops her from doing fun things a lot. Wishes she knew what happened to her.

Silverpaw - She has fun playing with her brother, and they like to pull pranks on each other. So far she has eaten a worm and a spider just to derail his pranks. Hasn't seen him in a long time.

Whitesong - Mentor. Seems fun so far. Hopeful that he will continue to be fun! But...he disappeared.

Weaselskip - Fun! Nice! Great! Likes to play games and knows where the coolest bugs are.

Dandelionpurr - Sweet and kind. Kinda like Mama.



Dawnstar - Big and scary! Almost killed her and Whitesong in battle. The battle was called off before she could reach them, but she was charging at them, so that means bad!

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